There are probably millions more of these awesome words! But for me, these are the best and they are ones we use on a regular basis here in Wales. It just depends on which part of Wales you come from. This is one of those funny words that sound like insults, but a hoecake describes a very basic small cake made of cornmeal. Why? I couldn't tell you, but that's the beauty of it. Iar fach yr haf (Little summer chicken).

The welsh language is funny, for some words, for example Butterfly, we have 3 completely different words. Cyfrifiadur – cyf riv yard uhr – Computer funnywoman funnybones 8-letter words that start with funny. Technoleg – tech knoll egg – technologyĢ2. Words that start with funny 10-letter words that start with funny. Find the best word to describe what you want with this extensive list. Idolatrous Are you a big fan of Oprah Can’t get enough of Gerard Butler Do you look up to Morgan Freeman like he’s the next best thing to the real God Then you are idolatrous. There's nothing more authoritative than positive words that start with 'a'. If you don’t have rabbit, check the backside of your dog. If you have a pet rabbit, you already know what a dingleberry is. Chyrligwgan – coo early goo gan – Merry go roundĢ1. Ignoramus If you call someone an ignoramus, they won’t even feel bad because a real ignoramus won’t know what it means. It would be different if they could say, Hi, I’m Steve, and I’ll be your smartwaiter today. Man a man a mwnci – man ah man ah moon key – Might as wellġ5. Jack Codi Baw – jack cod ee bah oo – JCBĩ. The Welsh are known for having weird words for everything, so we thought we'd put together a collection of 35 funny welsh words and what they mean along with how they are pronounced and the English translation.ħ. Black Granite Signs with Painted Background.